Manufacturer increases insight and grip on supply chain with S&OP process implementation

In times of supply chain disruption, Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) can bring peace of mind. 4Supplychain was asked to help a client make choices and make the organization work better together. Our client was facing huge market challenges and wanted to get a better grip on their inventory and logistics costs through sales and purchasing planning.

S&OP development framework

The supply chain is at the top of the agenda of many CEO’s. The disruptive impact of Covid-19, port congestions, the war in Ukraine and inflation have all put reliability of supply in danger. Realism tells us that before trendy concepts such as digitalization, big data, digital twin and artificial intelligence start helping us to overcome these challenges, we need to bring a solid S&OP process into place as a fundament to build advance capabilities upon. This is a step by step guide how to build your S&OP process.