Optimizing distribution networks and warehouses is essential for companies looking to improve efficiency, cost savings and customer satisfaction. This includes all storage, and transfer points and means of transportation. We help organizations redesign their logistics network and processes, from transportation flows to required warehouses and internal layout. Through data analysis and strategic advice, bottlenecks are identified and solutions provided. This ensures improved flow of goods, lower operational costs and better alignment with customer demand.

Network analysis

Logistics processes can be very extensive and complex. However, many companies do not have the time, resources or expertise to optimally analyze and map their distribution networks. Yet this is an essential part of business operations that can result in significant savings in time and costs.

With a detailed analysis of your distribution network, we design the most efficient system for delivering to customers. We optimize transportation, inventory management and warehouse operations using advanced simulation software specifically tailored to your needs.

Common questions include:

  • Are my logistics costs in line with the market and what is the improvement potential?
  • How many warehouses do I need, how do we set them up, and what is the most optimal location for those warehouses?
  • How can we shorten the delivery time to our customers?
  • Our network is changing due to growth or business acquisition; how should we adapt to this?

We can answer the above questions, and we can guide the implementation or take it completely out of your hands if that expertise or capacity is lacking within your organization.

Required data network study

A thorough study of the distribution network requires essential data, including inbound and outbound order data, inventory levels, volumes and costs of warehousing and distribution activities, and finally product master data. We use this data in analyzing efficiency, cost structures and optimizing the flow of goods within the network.


An important choice regarding warehouses is insourcing or outsourcing. This question has significant implications for the enriching of your team. Here we can help with our expertise of possible logistics partners, associated costs, service levels and implementation scenarios. If a warehouse is in-house, a well-thought-out warehouse layout is essential to reduce costs.

Common questions include:

  • Is it best to outsource our warehouse or manage it ourselves?
  • How do we go through an outsourcing process and how do we choose the best logistics provider?

For an in-house warehouse:

  • What automation can we implement? What are the costs for this and the payback time?
  • Which WMS do we need for our operation?
  • How to set up our team and become more efficient?
  • What should the layout look like to achieve the most efficient solution.

We also support our customers in setting up automation and mechanization. We have worked with several suppliers such as Stow, Jung Heinrich, Nedcon, Kardex, Schaefer and Swisslog and thus know the solutions in the market.

In the area of WMS, we can help with selection and implementation. This starts with drawing up the right requirements after which a tender process follows to make the right choice. Common requirements are:

  • Flexibility and scalability: The WMS must be able to adapt to changing business needs and growth
  • Integration capabilities: A good WMS should integrate seamlessly with other systems, such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning), TMS (Transport Management System) and other software applications used in the supply chain
  • Reporting and Analysis: The WMS should provide powerful reporting and analysis capabilities to understand warehouse performance, inventory levels and operational efficiency
  • Usability: The system should be easy to use for shop floor employees


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