‘4Supplychain helps transform your supply chain into a strategic advantage’

Supply chain strategy is an enabler for your overall corporate strategy. It is essential these two strategies are strongly aligned with each other. To do this, strategic corporate goals must be translated into concrete supply chain goals which are tangible, transparent and measurable. This synchronization of corporate  strategy into supply chain strategy makes it possible to separate essential from non-essential topics, to use the limited resources available on the right initiatives and thus successfully execute your company strategy. Important topics within a supply chain strategy can be diverse.

What are the challenges?

The development of a supply chain strategy presents many companies with challenges. We provide you with competent advice thanks to many years of expertise and support you in overcoming these. Our team has management expertise across diverse roles in the supply chain and has developed strong knowledge in creating effective supply chain strategies. Possible challenges are:

  • Lack of responsibilities and insufficient resources in the relevant specialist departments to process them
  • It is unclear to the company how to translate corporate strategy into an aligned supply chain strategy
  • Definition of supply chain goals and suitable key figures to make goal achievement measurable
  • Change management and leadership is essential to cascade supply chain goals into day to day business and potentially change mindsets and culture

This is how we can support you

4Supplychain consultants help companies to formulate a supply chain strategy which consists of a required design of your supply chain and clear, tangible goals. Learn more about the relevant topics on which we can support you:

Network analysis & design

Digital transformation and technology adoption

Supply chain resilience